showing 3 games

namepublisher(developer) arrow_downwardyeartagsdescription
Puyo Puyo Champions ?2019 puyopuyo Easy to learn, tough to master. Jump straight into fast-paced puzzle action with features fit for both friendly rivalries and competitive tournaments in Puyo Puyo Champions. Challenge your friends and family in local multiplayer or compete against players from around the world through online matchmaking. Built for all ages, this classic puzzle game comes with a surprisingly competitive edge. Craft strategic chains and drop devastating attacks with your favorite characters from over 25 years of Puyo Puyo history. labelminimizesubject
Puyo Puyo Tetris Sega (Sonic Team)2017 puyopuyo tetris Two puzzle game juggernauts collide as Tetris®, one of the largest-selling and recognized brands in gaming history, and Puyo Puyo™ from SEGA have combined to create a fun-to-play, fast-paced, competitive party game like no other! labelimagesubject
Puyo Puyo Tetris 2 Sega (Sonic Team)2020 crossover fallingblocks puyopuyo tetris visualmatching Japan's beloved puzzle game series Puyo Puyo and the world renowned Tetris game franchise have teamed up again to deliver even more Puyo popping and Tetrimino clearing fun in Puyo Puyo Tetris 2. Playing is easy: match 4 or more same coloured Puyos or complete a line of blocks to clear them from your board and dump Garbage into your opponent's game. But keep an eye on what's coming your way too.

Play traditional Puyo Puyo and Tetris or mix them together to level up your game. Offline or online, you'll have loads of modes that let you play the way you want from single player Adventure to couch competition Versus to ranked Online matches, and more.